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Freedom !!!

certainly, only those who use their freedom are free ... 
The happy slaves are the greatest enemies of freedom.
Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach
The question is not what we are allowed to do, but what we allow to be done to us!
You don't have the right to obey!
Hannah Arendt
Later you won't be able to say, "We didn't know about that", because we told you!
Freedom is the right NOT having to do something, what you don't want to do!
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
I may disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.
Evelyn Beatrice Hall
Everybody said it will not work". Someone came and didn't know anything about it. And just did it.
Such a fine, sunny day, and I have to go, but what does my death matter, if through us, thousands of people are awakened and stirred to action?
Sophie Scholl
Law changes, the conscience doesn't.
Sophie Scholl
In everything we do in the freedom movement, we should think about the normative force (power) of the factual, or take enough into account what it is like to play chess with a pigeon.
If you don't want to be shot in the back with rubber bullets at a freedom demonstration, then stop financing the rubber bullets with your tax money!
Where injustice becomes right, resistance becomes duty, but obedience becomes a crime!
Papst Leo XIII
Only dead fish swim with the flow. If you want to get to the source of truth, you have to swim against the flow.
Cherokee Wisdom
Following the drum. The calves trot. The skin for the drum. They deliver themselves.
Bertolt Brecht
What can anyone achieve, half of humanity thought to themselves.
Those who fall asleep in a democracy, may wake up in a dictatorship.
Otto Gritschneder
Control the controllables.
Misanthropes (WEF, Schwab, Harari, etc.)
Verein Freunde der Trychler Kt. Luzern
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